Kirill got ill in March 2017. He has the most common type of cancer in children – acute lymphoblastic leukemia.

This cancer commonly requires chemotherapy, but Kirill’s case is different. A standard treatment did not help, and Kirill had a relapse in March 2020. 

The only chance for Kirill was a bone marrow transplant. After the first sadly unsuccessful attempt, the second transplant was performed just few days ago. Kirill is now recovering from this physically draining procedure and faced another life-threatening challenge, which is a serious post-transplant complication affecting Kirill’s liver called hepatic veno-occlusive disease. Then he needed a course of Defitelio. Our sister charity “Gift of Life” raised funds to pay for it in November 2021. And since then  among other treatment Kirill needs Foscavir and this medication we managed to buy with your help. 
