Podari.Life had three ongoing programs in 2023:

  • The first program provides doctors, hospitals, and researchers with current access to Western academic and clinical research through relevant journal subscriptions and database access funded by Podari.Life. Additionally, the program offers grants to scientists in cancer research for their participation in international conferences and exchanges. In 2023, Podari.Life allocated $36,629 towards this program.

  • The second program covers rare and unregistered medications necessary for treating children undergoing treatment in Russia, primarily at the Dmitry Rogachev National Research Center of Pediatric Hematology, Oncology, and Immunology. The total expense for this program amounted to $452,805 in 2023.

  • The third program covers IT expenses aimed at promoting cancer awareness, reaching more donors, and maintaining communication with patients' parents and families. In 2023, a sum of $18,657 was allocated to this program.

All of these achievements were made possible through your continuous support. To date, Podari.Life has received over $522,000 in donations.

Notably, nearly $70,000 was raised at our first Charity Art Auction, conducted both online and offline. Our heartfelt gratitude goes out to the artists, attendees, and especially those who made this unique event possible.

The Russian school, Svoimi Slovami, organized a fundraising quest in the Bay Area, CA, where more than 30 local families joined forces, raising over $10,000 together.

Another remarkable event in the Bay Area, a private concert called Kvartirnik featuring Vera Polozkova and Alexander Manotskov, raised almost $14,000, contributing towards the costs of medications.

There are also two unique opportunities available to support Podari.Life:

  • Children Helping Children: This holiday season, talented students from Svoimi Slovami have dedicated their creativity to craft Christmas ornaments, postcards, paintings, and more in support of our cause. Don't miss the chance to adorn your tree with these unique ornaments by placing your bid and getting your gift, all in support of children fighting cancer and those striving to help them. The auction ends on December 22, so…..

  • Seeking a Consultation? Schedule a call or lunch with Zamir Shukho, founder of Vibranium.VC, with a donation to Podari.Life.

In 2024, we hope to continue supporting all these programs with your help. Additionally, we are seeking new fundraising opportunities. Please let us know if you have any ideas on how to contribute. Your suggestions and support mean a lot to us.