This was another incredible year, thanks to you. Next year Podari.Life is turning 5 years old, and it is hard to believe how much you’ve done in such a short time. During these years, nearly a thousand donors supported us, and we raised more than 3 million dollars since 2015, and it’s impossible to count how many kids you have helped: with those 39 who received treatment that you paid for, there are many others who got more qualified help from doctors that can constantly learn and teach others because of your support.

Our complete annual report will be ready by the end of January 2020, but here is a short version of our program spending. As you can see treatment and medications require a 3/4 of our budget. We also continue to pay for bone-marrow search and activation, and we’ve decided to make it a separate program next year. And many other updates will be reflected on our website very soon.


Thank you vey much and we hope to see you next year! Here you can find a video greeting made by Chulpan Khamatova and Yuri Norshtein. Happy New Year!
